Why Social Shopping is the Future of E-Commerce

The retail world is expanding at a high success rate with more and more consumers turning to online shopping for their requirements and products offered at best prices. There a huge jump in consumers who shop online with 62% global users utilizing the platform. So, to ease the things for consumers who shop online, retailers need to implement the emerging social shopping trends to earn a place among the audience.

The next phase of online shopping i.e. Social Shopping will play a major role in turning an engaging viewer into conversion and exploiting the power of social media.
  •  Skills needed to optimize Social Media

Involve people to interact with the audience of the same interest and share ideas, thoughts and information about things. The real power of social media is not in creating a brand image or awareness but to attract and influence people’s choices.
  •  Helping Online consumers

Being more responsive and communicative towards customers can bring a positive response on a stores reputation. Interact with users, help them, be with them all throughout their shopping journey as this will allow him/her to get more involved and you’ll always be on their priority list when they shop online. 

  • Discounts offered with Social Shopping

      Social Shopping is about to change as more and more shoppers will look to shop through different channels with product recommendation, shared ideas with a better alternative and informing each other about the discounts being offered. For e.g. If a fashion blogger is looking for a deal on some store say Namshi, you can recommend him/her to use namshi coupon code to get a certain amount of discount. This will not only influence him/her to buy from Namshi but also will create an engagement with that brand.

  •  Selling on Multiple Channels

A retailer should have multiple selling channels for increase conversion rate, to make people interact on channels and listing products where the consumer is already spending time. The multi-channel approach helps contains the customer online on different stages. 


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